Advance Python Programming Course
- 22 Lessons
- 100 Studenst
Advance Python Programming Syallbus
Python introduction
- What is Python
- Python history
- Versions of Python
- Features of Python
- Limitations of Python
- Scripting language vs programming language
- Applications of Python
- Python2 vs Python 3
- What is Python used for?
- Flavours of Python
- Python compared to other languages
- Python vs Java
- How Python works? What is byte code and pycache?
- What is PVM
- Compiler vs interpreter
- Compile time vs runtime
- Future Scope of Python and career opportunity
Memory management
- What is Memory Management
- Three areas of Memory Management
- Memory management at Hardware level
- Memory management at OS level
- Memory management at Application level
- How important is memory management
- What is Memory management in Python
- Python memory allocation – Static memory and Dynamic memory
- 2 parts of memory – Stack and Heap
- Garbage collector
- Reference counting in Python
- Transfering the garbage collector
- Importance of Performing Manual Garbage Collection
- Python Memory Management
- Common Ways to Reduce the Space Complexity
installation and basics of python
- Python Installation on windows
- Check Python version on windows
- Verify Python is installed?
- Verify pip was installed?
- What is IDLE and editors
- How to run Python program using IDLE
- How to install visual studio
- Executing Python program
- Identifiers and rules to write identifiers
- Constants and variables
- Keywords or reserved keywords
- Python comments
- Python syntax
- Lines and Indentation
- Python user input
data types
- Text type
- Numeric types
- Sequence type (range vs xrange)
- Mapping types
- Boolean types
- Binary types
- None type
- Type casting
- Arithmetic operators simulation
- Assignment operators simulation
- Comparison operators simulation
- Logical operators
- Identity operators simulation
- Membership operators simulation
- Bitwise operators simulation
- Precedence and Associativity of Operators
- Ternary operator
flow control statements
- What are control flow statements in Python?
- Decision control statements
- Python conditions and indentation
- simple if flow
- if else flow
- nested If flow
- if elif else flow
- elif ladder
- short hand if, if else flow
- Multiple conditions in if using and or operator
- What other languages do? Which one is better?
- Transfer statements
- Break
- Continue
- Pass
- Iterative statement
- For
- While
- Pattern programs
python strings
- Data types in brief
- How to define string
- How to access string and indexing
- String slicing
- Mutable and immutable
- Mathematical Operators for string (+,*)
- Comparison of string
- String membership
- Format string
- Escape character
- Removing spaces from string
- Finding substring
- Counting substring and len()
- Replacing a string
- Splitting and Joining of string
- Changing case of a string
- Checking starting and ending part of the string
- Methods to check type of characters present in string
- Revision string methods
- What is list and its creation
- Accessing elements of list
- Mutability and immutability
- List Traversing
- Functions of list – get information about list
- Manipulating list
- Ordering elements of list
- AIterative statement
- Use of mathematical operators for list
- Comparison and membership operators
- Nested list
- List comprehension
- What is tuple and how to create tuple
- Accessing tuple
- Mathematical Operators for tuple
- Functions of tuple
- Tuple Packing unpacking
- Tuple comprehension
- Difference between list and tuple
- SET and its creation
- Important functions of set
- Mathematical Operations on set
- Membership operators
- Set comprehension
- Set won’t support slicing and indexing
- Dictionary and its creation
- Accessing dict data
- Updating and deleting dict
- Loop dictionaries
- Important functions of dict
- Dict comprehension and nested dictionaries
python functions
- Functions and its types
- Parameters
- Return statement
- Types of arguments part 1
- Types of arguments part 2
- Types of variable
- Namespaces and Global keyword
- Recursive function
- Nested function
Advanced functions
- What is anonymous function
- Difference between normal function and anonymous function
- Lambda function in detail
- Filter, map and reduce functions
- Decorators
- Calling decorators
- Decorator chaining
- Generators
- Advantages of Generators
- Generators vs Normal collections wrt performance
- Generators vs Normal collections wrt performance
- Iterators
module, packages and library
- What is Module
- Module aliasing
- Various possibilities of import
- Reloading a module
- Finding members of module by using dir()
- The special variable name
- What is package
- What is library
- Random module
- Math module
- Python Imaging Library (PIL)
- MoviePy
- pyscreenshot
Date time module
- What is Date Time module and its classes
- Date class and its attributes
- Date class methods
- Time class and its attributes
- Time class and its methods
- DateTime class and its attributes
- DateTime class and its methods
- Timedelta class and its attributes
- Timedelta class and its methods and operations supported
- Tzinfo and timezone class
File handling
- File handling basics and types of files
- Opening a file with different modes and closing file
- Various properties of file object
- Writing data and reading data from text file
- The with statement, sick(), tell()
- OS module and working with directories
- OS module functions
- Running other programs from python program
- Handling Binary data
- Handling CSV file
- Zipping unzipping files
exception handling
- Types of errors
- What is Exception
- Pythons Exception handling hierarchy
- Customized try except – with try except, without try except
- Control flow in try except
- Printing exception information
- Try with multiple except blocks
- Single except block can handle multiple exceptions
- Default except block
- Finally block
- Control flow try except and finally
- Nested try except finally
- Else with try except finally
- All possible combinations of try except finally
- Types of exceptions
python loggers
- What is log and log file in programming
- Logging the exception
- Logging levels
- BasicConfig and formatting
- Python logging getlogger
- File handler working with file handlers
- Different logger object
- Classes and functions
- Capturing stack traces
- What is JSON
- JSON to Python and Python to JSON
- Json dumps
- Json loads
- Serializing deserializing
- Pickling unpickling
- Need of pickling and unpickling
regular epression
- What is Reg ex
- Character classes
- Quantifiers
- Important functions of re module
- Symbols
- Web scrapping using reg exp
- Programs related to reg exp
multi threading
- Multi Threading and its types
- Ways of creating thread in Python
- Difference in program with – without multi threading
- Thread identification number(ident)
- Function/methods on multithreading
- Daemon Threads
- Synchronization
- Difference between lock and semaphore
- Inter thread communication
object oriented programming
- What is class
- How to define class
- What is object
- Reference variable
- Self
- Constructor
- Difference between constructor and methods
- Types of variables – instance variable, static variable, local variable
- Types of methods – instance method, setter getter method, class method, static method
- Inner class
- Garbage collectors
- Garbage collection methods
- Destructor
- What is inheritance
- Super class sub class
- Benefits of inheritance
- Creating child class
- Types of inheritance – single inheritance, multilevel inheritance, multiple inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance
- What is Polymorphism
- How to use Polymorphism
- Duck typing (philosophy)
- Strong typing and hasattr() function
- Overloading and its types
- Operator overloading
- Method Overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Method overriding
- Constructor overriding
Encapsulation and abstraction
- What is encapsulation
- Why we need encapsulation
- How to achieve encapsulation in Python
- Access modifiers in encapsulation
- Private members
- Public method to access private members
- Name Mangling to access private members
- Protected members
- Public members
- Advantages of encapsulation
- Data Abstraction in Python
- Why abstraction is important
- Abstraction classes in Python
- Abstract base class ABC and its working
python programming with MySQL
- What is database
- Python supports various databases
- Why we are using MySQL
- MySQL driver installation
- Learn to write connector
- Creating connection
- Check connection
- Close connection
- Create database
- Create table
- Primary key
- Foreign key
- CRUD operation
- Close connection
python MySQL
- Cursor Methods and Execute methods
- MySQL select
- Fetch methods, row properties rowcount,id
- Wildcard characters
- Commit and rollback
- MySQL drop table
- Parameterized query, Tuple parameter,dictionary parameter
Python GUI -tkinter
- What is GUI programming?
- Methods while creating the Python application with GUI – TK, mainloop
- Widgets in tkinter application – Button, Canvas, Checkbutton, Entry, Frame, Label, Listbox, Menubutton, Menu, Message, Radio button, Scale, Scrollbar, Text, Toplevel, Spinbox, Pannedwindow
python collections module
- What is the purpose of collection module
- Counters
- Ordered dict
- Default dict
- Chainmap
- Namedtuple
- DeQue
- UserDict
- UserList
- UserString
Python mini projects
- Python fundamental Programs
- Calculator
- Password Generator
- Tic Tac Toe
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Chat Bot
- BMI Calculator
- Story Generator
- Quizz
- Create Acronyms
web develoment using python
- Introduction to Django
- Django Project and App life cycle
- Creating Project and App
- Django Templates and Static
- Django Models
- Django Forms
- Django Views
- Django Sessions and Cookies
- Django Serialization,Deserialization and Mixins
- Django Authentication and Authorization
- Django Middleware
- Send Email in Django and CSV,PDF files and GIT & Github
- Django Rest Framework Introduction
- Django Rest Framework Serializer and Deserializer
- Django Rest Framework Views
- Django Rest Framework Authentication And Authorization
- Django Rest Framework Pagination and Routers
advanced applications of python
- Learn basics of Artificial Intelligence with Python
- Learn basics of Machine Learning with Python
- Learn Data Science basics with Python
In the last 12 hours, 4 learners have joined us.
Advanced Python Programming Course Schedule
Week | Topic |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
This Python certification course will give you hands-on development experience and prepare you for an exciting career as a professional Python programmer. Training Course will teach you the advanced of Python with the certification 100% guarantee placement.
- 100% Placement
- Authorized Certificate
- Industry Expert Teacher
- Industry Syallbus
- 100% Practical Traininig
- Live Project
Class Time:

Course Details:
Course Price:
Rs.25000 Rs.17000
Lesson Duration
1 Months
Course Mode
Online & Offline Class
Places for Students
English, Hindi
Digital, Physical
Chembur, Govandi
In the last 12 hours, 4 learners have joined us.
Our training center is conveniently located in Chembur, near Govandi and Chembur Naka.
You can enroll by visiting our website or contacting our office directly. Also Contact Directly Whatsapp No. +91 91672 43835 Phone No. +91 9167243835
Yes, we offer both online and offline classes to cater to different preferences. You can choose the mode that suits your schedule and learning style.
Yes, a certificate is provided upon course completion, and placement assistance is offered to help you secure relevant job opportunities.
The course fee is 17,000/- for the entire program.
The course duration is 1 months, providing a condensed and intensive learning experience.
In the last 12 hours, 4 learners have onboarded with us
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